Reliable Finger Toothbrush Silicone Sikat Lidah Bayi 8838 No Box
Reliable Finger Toothbrush Silicone Sikat Lidah Bayi 8838 No Box
Condition : Original in Sealed Packaging.
Product Dimension : 13 x 9 x 3 cm.
Isi : 1 pcs
Kondisi : Baru. Packaging Segel. Fulfillment by Cupliss
- Reliable Press Tongue Brush is a brush that can be used to brush teeth or tongues specifically for babies.
- This baby toothbrush has soft bristles and is specially designed to follow the mother's fingers.
- Apart from that, this tool functions to care for baby's very soft and very sensitive skin.
- This tool is also safe when it comes into contact with baby's gums.
- Very flexible
- Resistant to hot temperatures
- Food grade silica gel
Indonesian Ministry of Health AKL 10605220051
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